shamineau acres resort

Our resort has been a familiy owned since 1993.

Book now, pay later

Request a reservation using our reservation form below.

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Our Address

34824 Aztec Road
Motley, Minnesota 56466

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Directions to the Resort

Easy to Reach

Shamineau Acres Resort is located on beautiful Shamineau Lake, just 2 hours north of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Early reservations are recommended to assure you the dates and type of accommodations your prefer.

We invite you to try Shamineau Acres Resort!

Directions From the South

  • Drive 25 miles North of Little Falls, MN on Hwy 10.
  • Turn right (East) on County Road 202 (Aztec Road), mile marker 121.
  • Follow 202 as it takes a sharp curve to the left and continues along the west shoreline.
  • The resort driveway is located on your right side.

Directions From the North

  • Drive 5 miles South of Motley, MN on Hwy 10.
  • Turn left on Ridge Road.
  • At the stop sign turn right.
  • The resort driveway is located on your left side.